Where will my child go after finishing in full time education? This is a very real question and a pressing concern that all parents have and one that JigsawPlus is able to offer a solution to.
Back in 2012, as part of Jigsaw’s integrated model for lifelong learning, JigsawPlus – specialist day services for autistic adults – was launched. JigsawPlus is dedicated and passionate in its commitment to support adults (aged 18+) to make positive, personal choices that enhance their wellbeing, independence and social inclusion once they have completed their full time education.
JigsawPlus runs individualised transition programmes for older students to help a smooth passage from a formal educational setting into an adult setting. The JigsawPlus service is available to students from Jigsaw CABAS School as well as to those who have not attended Jigsaw previously.
To learn more about the transition planning process (typically Year 9 onwards) for JigsawPlus, please speak to our Admissions Manager, Amy Mooney on 01483 273874.