Question and Answers relating to JigsawPlus
- Where is JigsawPlus locatedJigsawPlus is located on Dunsfold Park, near Cranleigh in Surrey. For details, please visit our contact page.
- Do you hold Open Mornings?We would ask that you speak to our Admissions Manager in the first instance to discuss any potential placement at JigsawPlus for your son/daughter. Every route to placement is different and our Admissions Manager can discuss your particular circumstances and arrange further conversations and/or a visit to site accordingly. You can email [email protected] or contact us on 01483 277366.
- What additional expertise do you have at Jigsaw?Across the School and JigsawPlus we have a number of BCBAs (Board Certified Behaviour Analysts). All of our staff work through rigorous training programmes and we have a number of certified behaviour analysts with the CABAS® Board working across the School and JigsawPlus. In addition we have regular visiting CABAS® consultants including senior behaviour analysts and research scientists plus a therapy team based at the School consisting of Occupational Therapists and Speech & Language Therapists.
- What is the referral process for JigsawPlus?We accept referrals from parents, carers, Local Authorities, Health and Social Services. You can download a sample admissions process flow chart to see a general overview from our Admissions pages here on this website.
- How would the placement be funded?JigsawPlus placements are funded through a range of streams: - EHCP: funding comes primarily from education but Social Care and/or Health may 'top up'. Transport will be provided by Education. - Care Plan: funding comes from Social Care either through a Social Care Package or via your Direct Payments. No transport will be provided but parents can use some of their Direct Payments to fund transport.
- My son/daughter struggles with transitions, what will be put in place to ensure a successful transition to JigsawPlus?As part of the Admissions process, your son/daughter will be invited to JigsawPlus for assessment visits and once the placement has been agreed, further transition visits will be arranged to help with familiarisation of their new setting.
- What is the curriculum at JigsawPlus?JigsawPlus creates individually tailored learning plans for each service user by drawing on appropriate and relevant topics from a comprehensive core 'curriculum' which incorporates: Key Skills; Independent Living Skills; Personal Development; Improving Wellbeing; Vocational Skills and Creative & Performing Arts. During our initial assessment, we take on board the needs and wishes of your son/daughter and incorporate these, along with a range of community visits and access to our social enterprises, into their personal weekly schedule. More information can be found on our Lifelong Learning page (under About Us) on the main menu.
- Can my son/daughter gain certifications at JigsawPlus?We work with each of our learners to build a portfolio of skills gained showing clear pathways of development. With appropriate levels of support and oversight, some of our learners will go on to take certifications in areas that interest them. For example; one of our learners is accessing online food hygiene certification whilst another is interested in creating computer games and accessing an online game training programme.
- How are behaviours that challenge managed?JigsawPlus takes a person-centred approach and emphasises the use of positive reinforcement and proactive behavioural support strategies. Analysis takes place to identify and understand the function of each behaviour in order to teach new 'replacement' behaviours that serve the same function for the individual.
- What is the staff training programme?All staff have autism and behaviour analysis training working on the CABAS ranks that have been adapted for adult learners. All staff are trained in positive support, receive first aid training including epilepsy, the administration of medication and emergency medication. Some staff are also studying for the Masters in High Incidence Disabilities and Behaviour Analysis.
- The Future...will Jigsaw be offering supported living or residential services?JigsawPlus' Centre for Lifelong Learning serves as a hub for our Integrated Model for Lifelong Learning, Social Enterprises and Support Services designed to further our goals of providing facilities, resources and services for the education, integration and support of people into the local community, ultimately helping them gain more independence.